Pantson Color Club

How to Join

Joining the Color Club is easy! Read through these instructions, and you'll find the form at the bottom of the page.

  1. This is a claim clique, so every color card in Pantson is claimed by that member. Colors can be totally new and invented by you or already "exist" and claimed by you.

    Part of our ethos is copyrighting colors! Just kidding, but that is true of less-cool sounding color matching companies. In true homage to them, every member can choose either one officially-named color that already exists, along with its corrosponding number (try searching colorname pantone color number in a search engine), or a unique color chosen and named by you that will enter our "database" of colors, never to be copied by another member.

    If you are creating your own color with a name of your own making:

    • The color you invent must not be the same HEX code as another member.
    • Assign it a number ending in the letter U in line with the numbers (6px tall). Normally, this would mean the color card is printed on uncoated paper, but since we're a digital pixel club at Pantson, it means unique.
  2. Create your Pantson color card.

    When creating your color card, it's recommended to use the template below.

    • Make sure the card is 64x100.
    • Fill in the entire grey space, including the question mark, with your chosen color.
    • Try to mimick the lettering as much as possible to appear uniform across cards.
    • Each color number should be 3px wide and 6px tall.
    • Every color name letter should be 4px wide and 7px tall, with the exception of letters that need an additional 1px width like M, Y, or Z.
    • Spaces should be 2px wide.
    • Make sure to include the letter U at the end of the number if you didn't choose your color from the "official" list.
Template Example
  1. Start off your collection on your website by displaying a Pantson card to link back to the club.

    Anyone with a personal website is welcome to join, as long as it's not hosted on social media (e.g. Tumblr). Don't have your own website yet? You can do it!

    These were donated by Ginny! Thank you, Ginny!

Original Dark Muted Ultra Dark
Ultra Muted Ultra Pastel Vivid
  1. Display your card with your chosen color, number, and color name on your website.

    Make sure you link back to Pantson so more folks can learn about us!

    • Your website should have no hate speech, bigotry, or discriminatory content.
    • You must have your card visible somewhere on your website.
    • You might want to have a page or section dedicated to the collection of colors. You can make this look as creative as you want! Want to make a book in CSS to place the cards in? Or where visitors can pull cards from a box?
  2. Members are limited to three claimed colors.

    You can have way more than three displayed on your site, but you can only claim three as your own in Pantson.

  3. Trading colors is mutually agreed upon between members.

    You must ask every member individually to trade colors! Staying true to Pant—I mean, the color business, asking to trade is a core tenet of our club.

    • You cannot download cards from others who have collected them.
    • You might want to have a form specifically for folks asking to trade, or you can have folks ask you in your shoutbox (also known as a cbox) or guestbook.
    • Take this opportunity to meet people from all over the personal web and introduce yourself if you're not already acquainted!
  4. Fill out the form below!

    You will receive an email once your color card has been added to the members page.

Please double-check that your URL is working!

Your email address will never be shared with anyone
and only used to alert you of your membership status.

This is the 64x100 graphic you create, uploaded to your host!